Dr. Christian Steuer

Dr.  Christian Steuer

Dr. Christian Steuer

Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

ETH Zürich

Computer-Assisted Drug Design

HCI H 401

Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10

8093 Zürich


Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Christian Steuer is a principal lecturer and independent group leader of the pharmaceutical analytics group at the institute of pharmaceutical sciences at ETH Zurich.

Dr. Christian Steuer studied pharmacy at the Saarland University. After obtaining the licence to practising pharmacy, he moved to Heidelberg and joined the group of Prof. Dr. Christian Klein where he focused on the medicinal chemistry of the dengue virus protease. After his dissertation in 2011, he performed his post-doc studies at the University of Zurich in Prof. Dr. John Robinson´s group. There, research focus was set on the development of beta hairpin mimetics targeting the GLP-1 receptor. In 2014, he moved to the institute for laboratory medicine in the cantons hospital of Aarau to deepen his knowledge in clinical chemistry and analytical method development. As group leader, he was responsible for the therapeutic drug monitoring and the discovery of novel biomarkers against iron anaemias. In 2016, he started his position at ETH Zurich. In June 2019, he did an internship in Dr. Christopher Coxon´s group (John Moores University, Liverpool) and focused on the synthesis and characterization of stapled alpha-helical CGRP mimetics.
His research interests include analytical method development, quality control of natural products and peptide chemistry. As of 2022, he has co-authored more than 45 publications in international peer-reviewed journals.


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